Why do I do this?

I've spent the last two years reading articles and watching webinars about how to grow more veg. But why? I ask myself again ........
Because I have always worried about what is best to eat for me, my family, my friends, people who are overweight, underweight, folk in this town, in this country, the wider world.

And I have always worried about the planet, whether we will blow it up or whether it will die a slow death by poisoning. It goes back to the day when Diet for a Small Planet was my bible. My days of rabid vegetarianism before my second pregnancy made me cry out for a steak. So I guess if the bodies of pregnant mothers scream meat we better learn how to produce in ways that don't destroy the earth and everything living on it.
So now we have - drum roll - Grow and Graze. Grow more veg agroecologically. Graze more animals regeneratively.

Grow and Graze more synergistically. Maybe Grow and Graze in rotation. Definitely Grow and Graze more in proportion to what we need to eat. Which nationally if not globally is more veg and less meat. But can we do both here? Should we do both here? Will the soil of the Calder Valley refuse to grow veg on any significant scale? Should we continue to concentrate on livestock farming but do it better? Dont ask George Monbiot as you may not get the answer you want!

by Jenny Slaughter


A square Mile of Barns